Superintendents/Chief Constables (CC)
1841 – 1866 Supt./CC N Notman
1866 – 1891 CC David Watson
1891 – 1894 Unknown
1894 – 1914 CC, Lt. Col. Alexander Borthwick (Berwick, Roxburgh and Selkirk*)
1914 – 1950 CC, Maj. Sholto Douglas (Berwick, Roxburgh and Selkirk*)
*Indicates CCs were responsible for multiple separate constabularies.
From 19 January 1894, Berwick, Roxburgh, Selkirk and the County of Peebles Constabularies shared the same CC whilst each having a Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable for the day to day management of the force.
On 16 May 1950, all four county forces amalgamated to form Lothians & Peebles Constabulary under Chief Constable William Merrilees.

Peeblesshire Constabulary

Robert Angus Dickson was born on 11 June, 1861 at the High Street in Peebles. His father was Andrew Dickson. A ‘Farmer’ and his mother, Marion (Mary) Donaldson or Dickson. They had been married on 22 February, 1850 in Edinburgh.
In the Census of Scotland of April 1871, the following are shown living at ‘Standalane’ Farm in the Parish of Peebles in the County of Peebles.

By the Census of 1881, George, Jennie and William Dickson along with George Anderson and James Kerr were no longer living at Standalane Farm but the family had been joined by John B. J. Dickson, (7).
Robert Dickson joined Mid Lothian Constabulary sometime in 1881 when he was 20 years old.
According to ‘The Scotsman’ newspaper of 16 December, 1935, Robert Dickson left Mid Lothian Constabulary to emigrate briefly to America but returned to re-join the police.
In the Census of Scotland in April, 1891, those residing at the Police Quarters in Ramsay Lane, Portobello in the Parish of Duddingston in Mid Lothian are shown below.

Between the Census of 1891 and early 1893, he was promoted to Sergeant at Portobello as it was in that rank that on 28 March, 1893 at the Church of Scotland in Penicuik, Mid Lothian, “After Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland, Robert Angus Dickson, 31, a Police Sergeant of the Police Station, Portobello, married Janet Macnab Stewart, 26, a Dressmaker of 36 High Street, Penicuik”.
It was in the rank of Sergeant that Robert Dickson transferred to Peeblesshire Constabulary on 13 November, 1894.
His Peeblesshire Constabulary Personnel record describes him as being “6’ 1.5”, dark brown hair, blue eyes, ruddy complexion, a native of Peebles” and his former trade or calling, “Farm servant”. It also records that he had “12 years and 4 months previous service in Mid Lothian Constabulary” on the date of his transfer.
On 4 October, 1897, he was promoted to Superintendent and Deputy Chief Constable of the force.
Elsie Stewart Dickson was born on 10 November, 1898 at the Police Buildings in Peebles. Her father, Deputy Chief Constable Robert Angus Dickson, registered her birth.
The family were still living at the Portbrae Police Building in the Census of 1901.
By the night of the Census of 1911, the following were listed at the Portbrae Police buildings and Police Station.

It is possible that PS George Hodge is the same man Robert Dickson served with in Mid Lothian Constabulary at Portobello?
Along with thirteen other officers (including Chief Constable Alexander Borthwick) in Peeblesshire Constabulary in 1911, Robert Dickson was awarded the King George V Coronation (Scottish Police) Medal for his ‘Long and Meritorious service’.
At 3 Bonnington Road, Peebles on 13 September, 1926, Janet Macnab Stewart or Dickson died aged 60. Her husband, Deputy Chief Constable Robert Angus Dickson registered her death.
On 23 April, 1930, at 3 Bonnington Road, Peebles “After Banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland, Duncan Mackay Matthews, 34, a Merchant of 138 High Street, Portobello, married Elsie Stewart Dickson, 31, a School Teacher of 3 Bonnington Road, Peebles.”
Robert Dickson retired from Peeblesshire Constabulary on 13 February, 1930.
He died on 14 December, 1935 at 7 James Street in Portobello, the home of his daughter and son-in-law. He was 74. His son-in-law, Duncan Matthews registered his death.
The following is a transcription of an obituary published in ‘The Scotsman’ newspaper of Monday, 16 December, 1935:
“The death has occurred at the house of his son-in-law in Portobello of ex-Police Superintendent Robert A. Dickson who was formerly Deputy Chief Constable of Peeblesshire.
Born in 1861 at Peebles, where his father was tenant at Standalane Farm, Mr Dickson after spending his early years on the land, joined the Midlothian Constabulary at the age of 20.
He interrupted his police service with a brief stay in America but he returned and did a term of service with the Tynecastle Division.
Later he was promoted to Sergeant at Portobello, and 1894, with that rank. He was transferred to Peebles, where, three years later, he rose to the rank of Superintendent.
He retired from the police service in 1929 (1930).
Mr Dickson took a prominent part in the public life of Peebles. He was one of a small band of local gentlemen who resuscitated the March Riding festival in the late ‘eighties and for over thirty years, he was a member of the March Riding Committee, from the Chairmanship of which, he retired fully a year ago.
He acted as Standard Bearer at the March Riding celebrations in 1924.
In 1931, Mr Dickson completed a term of fifty years in the public service of Peebles, for after his retirement from the police he continued to fill the office of Inspector of Weights and Measures.
He was an active supporter of the Boy Scout movement in Peeblesshire and was an elder of Peebles Old Parish Church for over a quarter of a century.”
If you know the location of DCC Dickson’s Coronation Medal, please contact the website. Thank you.
Deputy Chief Constable (Superintendent) Robert Angus Dickson

King George V Coronation (Scottish Police) Medal 1911
Walter Mathieson was born in Wemyss in the Parish of Methill Hill in the County of Fife on 25 February 1851. His father was David Mathieson, a Grocer and his mother, Jannet.
In the Census later that year, David and Janet were living in Wemyss with their four daughters and five sons whose ages ranged from 16 down to 3 months. Marjory, (16) Johanna, (14), David, (12), Jannet, (10), James, (8), Thomas, (6), John, (4), Christina, (2) and Walter (3 months).
By the Census of 1861, David and Janet were living at Back Row in Wemyss. He was still a Grocer but the eldest three children, Marjory, Johanna and David were no longer at that address. The other children were still there and Walter was now 10 years old and he had two younger sisters, Margaret, (8) and Catherine (4).
On 19 November 1869, After Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland, Walter Mathieson, (19), a Pointsman, married Margaret Gray, (19), a Domestic Servant of Leven at Methill in Wemyss.
In the Census of 1871, Walter and Margaret were living at Coal Wynd in St Monance and he was working as a Labourer.
Between 1871 and 1876, Walter and Margaret had three children, Elizabeth, Janet and David, all born in St Monance.
In 1877, Walter joined Haddingtonshire (East Lothian) Constabulary and it was in Haddington that their next child, Mary Anne, was born.
On 4 May 1880, Walter Mathieson joined Peebles-shire Constabulary and was stationed at Innerleithen. It was in Innerleithen that year that their son Walter was born.
The 1881 Census records the family living at The Police Station in Innerleithen.
On 7 June, 1881, Walter was transferred to Peebles.
On 24 November 1884, he was transferred to Broughton. It was there that their daughter Marjory, son James and daughter Hay Miller were born.
In the Census of 1891, the family were living at 11 Edinburgh Road West in Broughton where only the six youngest children are listed.
On 20 July, 1897, Walter was transferred to Eddlestone and on 18 April, 1900, from there to Blyth Bridge.
In the Census of 1901, the family were living at Blyth Bridge and Margaret had given birth to a daughter, Joan six years earlier.
In the Peebles County Constabulary Nominal Roll for 1903-1904, Walter Mathieson is the senior 1st Class Constable in the force of 17 men and his name is listed immediately after the Chief Constable, the Superintendent (DCC) and the two Sergeants.
In the Census of 1911, Walter was (60) and Margaret was (61). They had been married 41 years, had 12 live children born together with ten still alive at the date of the Census.
He was awarded the King George V Coronation (Scottish Police) Medal, 1911 for his long and Meritorious Service.
On 28 May, 1912, PC Walter Mathieson “Retired on a Pension of £52. 12/3d p.a. after 35 years’ service and at the age of 61.”
The last entry on his Personnel Record is “Died 13th October, 1919.”
Walter Mathieson, (68), a Caretaker of the County Buildings in Peebles died there on that date. His son, David Mathieson of 3 Comely Bank Avenue, Edinburgh, registered his death.
On 17 April, 1933, Margaret Mathieson, (83) of 20 Dalatho Crescent, Peebles, Widow of Walter Mathieson, Police Constable-Retired, died. Her death was registered by her son David, now living at 10 Inverleith Crescent, Edinburgh.
PC Walter Mathieson

Supt. J. Snowie MBE, DCC East Lothian – Supt. R A. Dickson DCC Peebles – Supt. Findlay Midlothian
Supt. H. M. Robinson DCC West Lothian – Chief Constable Major Sholto Douglas – Supt. R. Fraser MBE, KPM, DCC Midlothian
Memory Lane